

I'm Ready To Meet You Where You Are

4 Phase Mentoring System Pick-A-Phase Custom Project Based



All of the A Brand YOU Way programs give you a proven system on how to unearth, brand and monetize the full expression of your originality into a business model that gives you the tools to create financial freedom fueled by your purpose and passion.

By changing limiting beliefs and honing in on your re”mark”able combination of talents and ideas, you exponentially grow your business into a purpose-based, sustainable and revenue generating enterprise.

A Brand YOU Way is for any professional with a desire to start or re-invent their own business from a heart-driven, purpose- and passion-based intention.

If YOU Are A…

  • Coach, consultant or expert
  • Start-up visionary
  • Established entrepreneur thirsting for a new vision to grow your business
  • Executive in transition
  • Professional artist, author, speaker, etc.
  • CEO wanting to leave a legacy

Then A Brand YOU Way is a perfect fit for YOU!

The Goal

The goal of the A Brand YOU Way program is to zero in on and quickly plug into the strategies and tools you need to move your life and business forward towards your new vision, purpose and extraordinary financial freedom.

The System

This proven 4 phase/16 module process allows you to develop a branded, step-by-step system around your strongest desire and big idea. The purpose of this system is to produce and exceptional result and multiple benefits for your ideal client.

The Benefits

From your A Brand YOU Way system – which you can now call your exclusive, one of a kind, very proprietary process – you design irresistible products and services that generate multiple streams of income that are actionized through offline and online social networking and marketing sales strategies.

4 Phase Mentoring System



Mentorship and Training Program Options:

#1 – Tailor the program to your schedule (many of my clients are working full-time while they are establishing a new business), with the understanding that the program will be completed within a 4 month period.

#2 – Wanna go ninja? Do a 4 day intensive personalized workshop where we do one phase each day, working up to 7 hours until we complete the phase. This program is done in person only.


People come to me at all stages of their business growth and development. I meet you right where you are at in your business.

That is why I offer a flexible Pick-A-Phase program in addition to my full mentorship program. Whether you pick 1 or 2 or the full 4 phase program, the goal is to zero in and quickly plug into the strategies and tools you need to move your life and business forward towards your new vision, purpose and extraordinary financial freedom.


Pick-A-Phase Program Options:

#1 – Tailor the program to your schedule (many of my clients are working full-time while they transition into a new business), with the understanding that each phase will be completed within a month.

#2 – Wanna go ninja? Do a 1-day intensive personalized workshop where we do one phase within a day, working up to 7 hours until we complete the phase. This program is done in person only.

Custom Project Based

This program is for people who have a very specific need to address in their current business and require a customized creative solution.

This high level mentoring is reserved for established entrepreneurs thirsting for a new vision to grow their business, executives in transition and CEO’s who want to improve their leadership or develop a platform for their legacy.


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