Select the A Brand YOU Way Showinar that is perfect for your organization…
Showinar 1Keynote

Showinar 1 is targeted to general population audiences serving...

Ted Talk Like Venues
Personal Growth Conferences​
Spiritual Centers
Women Organizations
Health and Wellness Centers

Showinar 1 Description

Is there anything novel, emotional and memorable about your work? Why is somebody going to choose you? Why do we avoid how we really, really want to be here on this planet?

Because commiting to change, running towards the thing that scares yet thrills you the most - is terribly uncertain. And we’re not crazy about uncertainty. Are we?

Jamie shares his revelations and asks us to dig deep and look at what makes us original, remarkable and relevant so that we can finally…

  • Live who WE REALLY ARE!
  • Stop living inside our fears, recycled negative stories and old stinky paradigms.
  • Launch a vision that is supported by our purpose and fueled by our passion.
  • Pinpoint what sets us apart from the rest of the humans on this planet.
  • Understand that discipline becomes a blissipline when we are absolutely devoted to something we love!

Jamie's goal and passion is to inspire the secret sauce inside of your originality so that you can remarkably stand out in A Brand YOU Way.

Showinar 2Keynote

Showinar 2 is targeted to business mindset audiences serving...

Conscious Corporations
Entrepreneur Organizations
Business Conferences
Professional Associations Business Groups
Career Conferences

Showinar 2 Description

How do you encourage your leaders and teams to craft their personal brands so that it benefits your business? Generate more awareness for your company’s brand? Create multiple streams of income?

Jamie shares ideas on how​ the​ A Brand YOU Way mindset works for any company that wants to unearth and embrace its originality, remarkability and relevancy to boost new business growth​, as well as become thought leaders in their industry!

It doesn't matter if you're a startup with just a few clients, a C-suite leader or an established entrepreneur in need of clarity,​ ​direction or even a new vision.​ Jamie reveals…

  • How personal branding can become your company’s teams most valuable business development tools.
  • How creating a one of a kind signature product or​ ​solution system is the key that defines your​ ​company's brand.
  • How to confront unhealthy patterns of thought that are taking a toll on your company's creative process, branding and business development.
  • How personal branding ignites the flow of human capital - the holy grail to your company's sustained success.
Jamie’s goal is to inspire companies to combine their purpose, originality and expertise into A Brand YOU Way of creating new business! He says, “Implementing a creative flow of human capital is the holy grail to any company's sustained success.”
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This Toolkit Gives You 4 Truths To Build The Life & Business You're SUPPOSED To Live!