Coaching As A Career: Are You Sure You Wanna Be A Coach?

Coaching As A Career: Are You Sure You Wanna Be A Coach?

Since the pandemic, coaching has become a glutted market. It’s a value-driven career but also one that can suck the living daylights out of you – if you don’t know how to make it in this market.

Everyone from Harry to Sally felt they had enough experience as a traumatized human being that survived the pandemic, to teach other people how to get back up and thrive.

This is not so good for all the coaches out there tyring to make a living, but it is a very cool thing from a higher consciousness perspective: people are genuinely passionate about helping people to become better versions of themselves, encouraging a kinder, more productive and compassionate approach to both oneself and others.

So Why Choose Coaching As a Career?

You have to be a certain kind of person to be committed to other people’s well-being. It’s a calling, a service consciousness, that requires a giving heart that stems from great faith, focus and fortitude.

It’s a career choice that is to be respected and admired – even though it’s not a career that is a money-maker that guarantees returns like someone who manufactures toilet paper and has customers for life.

Why Coaching Might Be the Career for You (Spoiler: It’s Not for Everyone)

And how many coaches end up like Tony Robbins or Marie Forleo?

Not a ton, but there are many coaches who aren’t big names that have created successful businesses for themselves based upon their unique expertise and business smarts.

(BTW: business smarts is very, very essential to creating a sustainable and profitable coaching career.  If you don’t have it, find a coach who can help you develop it!)

You can have the best coaching intentions, passion and purpose in the world.

But if you don’t quickly learn the “business art” of developing a coaching business from a business standpoint, as per the ICF (International Coaching Federation) you can become one of the 82% of coaches that doesn’t make it in this field.

Below are some of the definite rewards to being a coach that you will want to remember – and paste them onto your refrigerator with post-its in order to weather the ups and downs of the coaching business journey.

Coaching As A Career: Are You Sure You Wanna Be A Coach?

Since the pandemic, coaching has become a glutted market. It’s a value-driven career but also one that can suck the living daylights out of you – if you don’t know how to make it in this market.

Everyone from Harry to Sally felt they had enough experience as a traumatized human being that survived the pandemic, to teach other people how to get back up and thrive.

This is not so good for all the coaches out there tyring to make a living, but it is a very cool thing from a higher consciousness perspective: people are genuinely passionate about helping people to become better versions of themselves, encouraging a kinder, more productive and compassionate approach to both oneself and others.

So Why Choose Coaching As a Career?

1 – You’re making a positive impact on someone’s personal and professional life. And when you help one person it becomes cumulative – wiith their transformation they positively affect another person, and so forth.  It’s a domino effect.

2 – If you choose coaching as a career, you can specialize in so many different areas of the human experience. You can be a life coach, a leadership coach, a health coach, you name it.  For anything us humans go through you can find a coach to help support your transformation in this area.

3 – A coach, if you’re self-employed, you can make your own daily schedule, as well as work from any location – coaching is very much a virtual experience.  

It’s a great way to balance your daily life and gives you flexibility to deal with those life circumstances that come up that require a shift in schedule or focus.

4 – Again, since the pandemic, coaching has been increasing in demand and people are so much more open to coaching as a legitimate form of guidance and support both personally and professionally.  

Some Required Business Elements To Start A Coaching Career

  1. First make sure you understand the difference between coaching, consulting and mentoring. 
    • Consultants fix problems in a company, give recommendations and will actively help to fix a problem.  
    • A mentor will give advice on what to do based upon their many years of experience.
    • A coach however is about using tools and strategies to help unlock the client’s unique potential so that with the client they can find solutions for the client’s problems. It’s more of a “transformational” journey of helping your client step into an authentic, clear and stronger version of themselves from which to solve problems.
  2. Get clear on what problems you help people solve. What keeps your client up at night? What challenges do they deal with?  You need to effectively communicate how you’re going to get your client from the problem to the solution, to the exceptional result.
  3. Clarify who your clientele is. You can’t help everyone and their mother in every field.  Pick a field that is closest to the problems you are passionate about solving – especially those you’ve personally experienced and the solutions you found to elevate yourself and create success.  We call that “low-hanging fruit.”  Speak to those who can relate to your journey and who you know you can serve effectively. 
  4. Research, research, research! Do market research to see how other coaches work in your field and what’s been successful for them building their business.  This is crucial!  Don’t go out there thinking you know what you’re doing – because you don’t if you haven’t done it before. 
  5. Talk to other people in your field, talk to people who are potential clients, talk to family, friends, even your neighborhood Spidey man! Explore the places where people are needing support and guidance and see how you can match your skills and expertise with a market that needs your services.
  6. Sustainable client attraction is all about your differentiator and messaging. What makes you unique compared to the other thousands of coaches out there vying for your customer? Communicate your value by focusing on highlighting the problems you help people solve and the exceptional result they will achieve when working with you. 

CONCLUSION: Is A Coaching Career For You?

Would you like to discuss the pros and cons of choosing coaching as a career?  Do you need some clarity on whether or not this is the right path for you?

If so, we’re happy to get on a call and chat.  Book a free strategy session at 


Jamie & Ali
Jamie & Ali

Jamie and Alison Greenberg, known as the "Marketing Midwives," are a dynamic couplepreneur team with over 15 years of experience helping coaches stand out like a beacon of light. They specialize in crafting unique brand differentiators that serve as the foundation for their clients' businesses, fueling everything from programs, keynotes, webinars to lead generators, social media strategies, and packaging high-end offers.

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